I was greeted by a waiter in Tamil and was asked if I was single. Nodding yes as an answer, I was taken aback seeing all the tables occupied by South Indians (all tamilians guess). I was lead to an inner room with more tables. I took my seat and asked for the menu card. Opening the card, I found it full of South Indian dishes being listed in various groups. Various varieties of Idlys, Dosais (Tamil pronunciation of the word. Pronounced 'Dosha' in Malayalam, 'Dosa' in Kannada), Uthappams and so on listed separaely. Nothing out of the ordinary for a person brought up in Bangalore.
But the prices listed alongside were. With the simple Dosai costing Rs 50, the more elaborate sounding ones cost more than Rs 80. With Idly-Vada starting at Rs 50 and Uthappams upwards of Rs 40, it seemed like daylight robbery! But being located at CP and far away from the home of these dishes, it was to be expected. I went on to order Rava Masala dosai and Apple juice to go with it (My request for no ice costing me Rs 5 extra). The food when it arrived looked colourful with three different Chutneys and Sambhar. It tasted good as well, so paying Rs 142 was worth it.
Hey - I am really happy to find this. cool job!
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